reimagining what engineering is for
The nomination window for our third round of recipients will open in late 2022. Check back later.
Who and what are we recognizing?
Engineers in the US who have used their engineering training to promote social justice, human rights, peace, and/or environmental protection
Engineers in the US doing work that may be invisible yet inspirational
Work--no matter how unglamorous--that may be entirely innovative in the context that it is unfolding in
Work that has had sustained impact
Work that shows how engineers can be deeply integrated into social change
Transformative collaborations in the US between engineers and communities that are promoting social justice, human rights, peace, and/or environmental protection.
The engineers do not need to be professional/licensed engineers, and can be engineers from academia, non-profits, government, industry, small business, or civil society.

What is the award in 2021?
We are still in start-up mode, and so, just like for 2020, we start this award with goodwill. In the nomination form, we ask what support might benefit nominees' efforts the most. The award committee will leverage the resources we have to try to provide this support. We will also connect awardees with our networks, help share their stories through multimedia and communication efforts, and intentionally and thoroughly document their work so that it may serve as inspiration to others. As time progresses, the award will evolve, and while we start this award with a focus on work in the US, that may change in the future, too. We have no set number of awards. All winners will join the Constellation Prize Community of Practice (see below), which is a space of support and growth of these efforts.
We have no financial backing or funding for this award, apart from small donations we have received from well-wishers. Any and all efforts we undertake are without any financial interests.
Our Vision: The Constellation Prize Community of Practice
In addition to using the Constellation Prize to recognize and celebrate engineers and collaborative efforts that are reimagining the role of engineering in society, it is our vision to establish and sustain a community of practice that is actively contributing to social justice, human rights, peace, and environmental protection through engineering. We believe this community will become a beacon of motivation and opportunity for practicing engineers, academics, students, and community leaders who recognize the status quo is not acceptable.

What is the nomination process in 2021?
Nominations can come from anywhere in the world recognizing engineers and collaborative efforts in the US. Self-nominations will be accepted. You may nominate an engineer and/or a collaborative effort that demonstrates how engineering can be done to promote new modes of engagement, research, development, and design that elevate the values of environmental protection, social justice, human rights, and peace.
Below are the prompts in the nomination form:
What has this engineer or collaborative effort demonstrated or achieved that serves as a model for creating an engineering profession that promotes the values of environmental protection, social justice, human rights, and/or peace?
How has engineering shaped the outcomes and impact of the work?
What challenging constraints has the engineer or collaborative effort operated in?
In what ways were non-engineering stakeholders involved in shaping the engineering done in this work? If the nominee is an engineer, how did this engineer listen to and elevate the voices of non-engineering stakeholders in shaping their own engineering work?
Provide up to three website URLs, LinkedIn profile URL, and/or social media links which provide additional exposure to the engineer/collaboration and their work. If the URL links to documents/reports, specify no more than three such documents/reports the selection committee should consider.
What kind of support would benefit the nominee the most (e.g. exposure, funding, networking, etc.)?
Nominations accepted through no later than November 30, 2021
Winner(s) announced in late 2021/early 2022
You can access the nomination form by clicking here.